That said, the fairytale backdrop and wonderful art direction go a long way - it’s easy to recommend this game.Buy Lost in Random™ once and get both the PS4™ and the PS5™ version. It is what it is.” I would’ve liked to see more gameplay elements during exploration (it can be pretty one-note), more voiced dialogue choices, and some refinements to the third-person aiming and character movement, which can feel a tad stiff until you adjust to them. These issues were never enough to make me feel bored or anything - more like a realization that “Yeah, this team didn’t have all the money in the world, and they surely had to make some tough trade-offs. Those swooping bird-bots - I love to hate them. It’s a lot of fun! But I grew tired of fighting the same several robot archetypes over and over. I formed my ideal deck well before the end, which is fine. At the same time, Lost in Random is not a short game - expect 10-12 hours, depending on how many sidequests you do - and that length leads to repetition.

Lost in Random‘s melding of third-person action with an approachable deck-building layer is fascinating to me, and I was surprised how much I ended up liking it. You can tell Dicey to run out toward a target (which is useful for having him grab energy), or you can simply have him sit on your back, which is what I did most of the time. The glowy spots regenerate on the robots after a while, and you’re often facing several enemies at once, so you’ll never run out of “card energy” to collect. Until you’ve got cards ready to go, it’s pretty much just a loop of running around, dodging attacks, and lining up shots with your slingshot. The cards come in a few categories: some are straight-up weapons like a lance or hammer, some are traps that you can physically place on the field, like a giant hand, and some are used to heal Even. Your adorable companion, Dicey, can scoop them up, and by doing so, you’ll generate/draw cards from your deck. Using an okay-feeling slingshot, you’ll aim for glowing protrusions on the droid’s bodies, which causes collectible bits of energy to spill out onto the arena. The actual fights against the Queen’s army of robots play out in real-time - mostly. Lost in Random uses cards, and you will assemble a customizable deck, but I should say that as a (usually) card-game-averse player, I really liked them.